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Text File  |  1991-04-03  |  11KB  |  270 lines

  1. /*      EFUNC.H:        MicroEMACS function declarations and names
  3.                 This file list all the C code functions used by MicroEMACS
  4.         and the names to use to bind keys to them. To add functions,
  5.         declare it here in both the extern function list and the name
  6.         binding table.
  8. */
  10. /*      Modifications:
  11.         11-Sep-89       Mike Burrow (INMOS)     Added folding.
  12. */
  14. /*      Name to function binding table
  16.                 This table gives the names of all the bindable functions
  17.         end their C function address. These are used for the bind-to-key
  18.         function.
  19. */
  21. NOSHARE NBIND   names[] = {
  22.         {"abort-command",               ctrlg},
  23.         {"add-global-mode",             setgmode},
  24.         {"add-mode",                    setmod},
  25. #if     APROP
  26.         {"apropos",                     apro},
  27. #endif
  28.         {"backward-character",          backchar},
  29.         {"begin-macro",                 ctlxlp},
  30.         {"beginning-of-file",           gotobob},
  31.         {"beginning-of-line",           gotobol},
  32.         {"bind-to-key",                 bindtokey},
  33.         {"buffer-position",             showcpos},
  34.         {"case-region-lower",           lowerregion},
  35.         {"case-region-upper",           upperregion},
  36.         {"case-word-capitalize",        capword},
  37.         {"case-word-lower",             lowerword},
  38.         {"case-word-upper",             upperword},
  39.         {"change-file-name",            filename},
  40.         {"change-screen-size",          newsize},
  41.         {"change-screen-width",         newwidth},
  42.         {"clear-and-redraw",            refresh},
  43.         {"clear-message-line",          clrmes},
  44.         {"close-fold",                  closefold},     /* MJB: 11-Sep-89 */
  45.         {"copy-region",                 copyregion},
  46. #if     WORDPRO
  47.         {"count-words",                 wordcount},
  48. #endif
  49.         {"ctlx-prefix",                 cex},
  50.         {"delete-blank-lines",          deblank},
  51.         {"delete-buffer",               killbuffer},
  52.         {"delete-fold",                 delfold},       /* MJB: 21-Sep-89 */
  53.         {"delete-global-mode",          delgmode},
  54.         {"delete-mode",                 delmode},
  55.         {"delete-next-character",       forwdel},
  56.         {"delete-next-word",            delfword},
  57.         {"delete-other-windows",        onlywind},
  58.         {"delete-previous-character",   backdel},
  59.         {"delete-previous-word",        delbword},
  60.         {"delete-window",               delwind},
  61.         {"describe-bindings",           desbind},
  62. #if     DEBUGM
  63.         {"describe-functions",          desfunc},
  64. #endif
  65.         {"describe-key",                deskey},
  66. #if     DEBUGM
  67.         {"describe-variables",          desvars},
  68. #endif
  69. #if     AEDIT
  70.         {"detab-line",                  detab},
  71.         {"detab-region",                detab},
  72. #endif
  73. #if     DEBUGM
  74.         {"display",                     dispvar},
  75. #endif
  76.         {"end-macro",                   ctlxrp},
  77.         {"end-of-file",                 gotoeob},
  78.         {"end-of-line",                 gotoeol},
  79.         {"end-of-word",                 endword},
  80. #if     AEDIT
  81.         {"entab-line",                  entab},
  82.         {"entab-region",                entab},
  83. #endif
  84.         {"enter-fold",                  enterfold},     /* MJB: 11-Sep-89 */
  85.         {"exchange-point-and-mark",     swapmark},
  86.         {"execute-buffer",              execbuf},
  87.         {"execute-command-line",        execcmd},
  88.         {"execute-file",                execfile},
  89.         {"execute-macro",               ctlxe},
  90.         {"execute-macro-1",             cbuf1},
  91.         {"execute-macro-10",            cbuf10},
  92.         {"execute-macro-11",            cbuf11},
  93.         {"execute-macro-12",            cbuf12},
  94.         {"execute-macro-13",            cbuf13},
  95.         {"execute-macro-14",            cbuf14},
  96.         {"execute-macro-15",            cbuf15},
  97.         {"execute-macro-16",            cbuf16},
  98.         {"execute-macro-17",            cbuf17},
  99.         {"execute-macro-18",            cbuf18},
  100.         {"execute-macro-19",            cbuf19},
  101.         {"execute-macro-2",             cbuf2},
  102.         {"execute-macro-20",            cbuf20},
  103.         {"execute-macro-21",            cbuf21},
  104.         {"execute-macro-22",            cbuf22},
  105.         {"execute-macro-23",            cbuf23},
  106.         {"execute-macro-24",            cbuf24},
  107.         {"execute-macro-25",            cbuf25},
  108.         {"execute-macro-26",            cbuf26},
  109.         {"execute-macro-27",            cbuf27},
  110.         {"execute-macro-28",            cbuf28},
  111.         {"execute-macro-29",            cbuf29},
  112.         {"execute-macro-3",             cbuf3},
  113.         {"execute-macro-30",            cbuf30},
  114.         {"execute-macro-31",            cbuf31},
  115.         {"execute-macro-32",            cbuf32},
  116.         {"execute-macro-33",            cbuf33},
  117.         {"execute-macro-34",            cbuf34},
  118.         {"execute-macro-35",            cbuf35},
  119.         {"execute-macro-36",            cbuf36},
  120.         {"execute-macro-37",            cbuf37},
  121.         {"execute-macro-38",            cbuf38},
  122.         {"execute-macro-39",            cbuf39},
  123.         {"execute-macro-4",             cbuf4},
  124.         {"execute-macro-40",            cbuf40},
  125.         {"execute-macro-5",             cbuf5},
  126.         {"execute-macro-6",             cbuf6},
  127.         {"execute-macro-7",             cbuf7},
  128.         {"execute-macro-8",             cbuf8},
  129.         {"execute-macro-9",             cbuf9},
  130.         {"execute-named-command",       namedcmd},
  131. #if     PROC
  132.         {"execute-procedure",           execproc},
  133. #endif
  134.         {"execute-program",             execprg},
  135.         {"exit-all-folds",              exitallfolds},  /* MJB: 21-Sep-89 */
  136.         {"exit-emacs",                  quit},
  137.         {"exit-fold",                   exitfold},      /* MJB: 11-Sep-89 */
  138. #if     WORDPRO
  139.         {"fill-paragraph",              fillpara},
  140. #endif
  141.         {"filter-buffer",               filter},
  142.         {"find-file",                   filefind},
  143.         {"fold-region",                 makefold},      /* MJB: 11-Sep-89 */
  144.         {"forward-character",           forwchar},
  145.         {"goto-line",                   gotoline},
  146.         {"goto-mark",                   gotomark},
  147. #if     CFENCE
  148.         {"goto-matching-fence",         getfence},
  149. #endif
  150.         {"grow-window",                 enlargewind},
  151.         {"handle-tab",                  tab},
  152.         {"help",                        help},
  153.         {"hunt-backward",               backhunt},
  154.         {"hunt-forward",                forwhunt},
  155.         {"i-shell",                     spawncli},
  156. #if     ISRCH
  157.         {"incremental-search",          fisearch},
  158. #endif
  159.         {"insert-file",                 insfile},
  160.         {"insert-space",                insspace},
  161.         {"insert-string",               istring},
  162. #if     WORDPRO
  163.         {"kill-paragraph",              killpara},
  164. #endif
  165.         {"kill-region",                 killregion},
  166.         {"kill-to-end-of-line",         killtext},
  167. #if     FLABEL
  168.         {"label-function-key",          fnclabel},
  169. #endif
  170.         {"list-buffers",                listbuffers},
  171.         {"macro-to-key",                macrotokey},
  172.         {"meta-prefix",                 meta},
  173. #if     MOUSE
  174.         {"mouse-move-down",             movemd},
  175.         {"mouse-move-up",               movemu},
  176.         {"mouse-region-down",           mregdown},
  177.         {"mouse-region-up",             mregup},
  178.         {"mouse-resize-screen",         resizm},
  179. #endif
  180.         {"move-window-down",            mvdnwind},
  181.         {"move-window-up",              mvupwind},
  182.         {"name-buffer",                 namebuffer},
  183.         {"narrow-to-region",            narrow},
  184.         {"newline",                     newline},
  185.         {"newline-and-indent",          indent},
  186.         {"next-buffer",                 nextbuffer},
  187.         {"next-line",                   bforwline},
  188.         {"next-page",                   forwpage},
  189. #if     WORDPRO
  190.         {"next-paragraph",              gotoeop},
  191. #endif
  192.         {"next-window",                 nextwind},
  193.         {"next-word",                   forwword},
  194.         {"nop",                         nullproc},
  195.         {"open-fold",                   openfold},      /* MJB: 11-Sep-89 */
  196.         {"open-line",                   openline},
  197.         {"overwrite-string",            ovstring},
  198.         {"pipe-command",                pipecmd},
  199.         {"previous-line",               bbackline},
  200.         {"previous-page",               backpage},
  201. #if     WORDPRO
  202.         {"previous-paragraph",          gotobop},
  203. #endif
  204.         {"previous-window",             prevwind},
  205.         {"previous-word",               backword},
  206.         {"print",                       writemsg},
  207.         {"query-replace-string",        qreplace},
  208.         {"quick-exit",                  quickexit},
  209.         {"quote-character",             quote},
  210.         {"read-file",                   fileread},
  211.         {"redraw-display",              reposition},
  212.         {"remove-fold",                 removefold},    /* MJB: 11-Sep-89 */
  213.         {"remove-mark",                 remmark},
  214.         {"replace-string",              sreplace},
  215.         {"resize-window",               resize},
  216.         {"restore-window",              restwnd},
  217. #if     ISRCH
  218.         {"reverse-incremental-search",  risearch},
  219. #endif
  220. #if     PROC
  221.         {"run",                         execproc},
  222. #endif
  223.         {"save-file",                   filesave},
  224.         {"save-window",                 savewnd},
  225.         {"scroll-next-down",            nextdown},
  226.         {"scroll-next-up",              nextup},
  227.         {"search-forward",              forwsearch},
  228.         {"search-reverse",              backsearch},
  229.         {"searchfold-forward",          searchffold},   /* MJB: 21-Sep-89 */
  230.         {"searchfold-reverse",          searchbfold},   /* MJB: 21-Sep-89 */
  231.         {"select-buffer",               usebuffer},
  232.         {"set",                         setvar},
  233. #if     CRYPT
  234.         {"set-encryption-key",          setekey},
  235. #endif
  236.         {"set-fill-column",             setfillcol},
  237.         {"set-fold-marks",              setfoldmarks},
  238.         {"set-mark",                    setmark},
  239.         {"shell-command",               spawn},
  240.         {"shrink-window",               shrinkwind},
  241.         {"source",                      execfile},
  242.         {"split-current-window",        splitwind},
  243.         {"store-macro",                 storemac},
  244. #if     PROC
  245.         {"store-procedure",             storeproc},
  246. #endif
  247. #if     BSD
  248.         {"suspend-emacs",               bktoshell},
  249. #endif
  250.         {"transpose-characters",        twiddle},
  251. #if     AEDIT
  252.         {"trim-line",                   trim},
  253.         {"trim-region",                 trim},
  254. #endif
  255.         {"unbind-key",                  unbindkey},
  256.         {"universal-argument",          unarg},
  257.         {"unmark-buffer",               unmark},
  258.         {"update-screen",               upscreen},
  259.         {"view-file",                   viewfile},
  260.         {"widen-from-region",           widen},
  261.         {"wrap-word",                   wrapword},
  262.         {"write-file",                  filewrite},
  263.         {"write-message",               writemsg},
  264.         {"yank",                        yank},
  266.         {"",                    NULL}
  267. };
  269. #define NFUNCS  (sizeof(names)/sizeof(NBIND)) - 1